Thursday, June 6, 2013

My writing published on Still Standing Magazine

I am honored that something I wrote is published on Still Standing Magazine. The magazine is a beautiful place for people who have suffered a loss or are dealing with infertility.

I am sharing about grief, loss, love, and what it's like to mother my sweet daughter of Heaven.

Having something I wrote published in this magazine was one of my goals as a writer, so I am super excited! A big part of my heart is in pro-life work, yet because of losing Lily, a big part of my heart is also in the babyloss community. Sometimes I need to take a break from the pro-life "stuff," and focus on my grief. Both parts of my life are so tied together, yet in a way so separate. It's hard to describe.

Read my guest post on Still Standing here.



  1. That was a beautiful post that I can relate to only too well </3

  2. Very touching - so many things you said felt like you took them straight from my heart.

  3. Hannah, that is beautiful! I have a blog as well, and I have a difficult time maintaining it, because of exactly what you said. How many ways can we grieve, and say that we miss our angels? How many ways can we say that it's hard to have lost them? Thank you for that piece, it was beautifully written!

  4. So beautifully written Hannah! xo

  5. That was written so Beautifully, Hannah Rose. God gave you the gift of writing. I think it is so amazing you can use that gift so often now. And you are being published everywhere! God is working.
