Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Grief Points to the Sanctity of Life

At times I get the impression from people that they are curious as to why I love and miss Lily as much as I do since she never lived outside the womb.

Can a mother's love be comprehended or explained? Is Lily's value found in her days that were numbered few?

No, I don't love her because of anything she did and she doesn't have value for living a long life or for accomplishing something remarkable in the eyes of the world. I love her for simply being who God created her to be. He created her to live her days in the safety of my womb. She lived no more days than she was purposed to and no less days. She is valuable simply because she is HIS. She was crafted by His hand, in His very image. She's a masterpiece, His masterpiece!

A little girl who never opened her eyes to see this world has opened my eyes and heart to see what's truly important in this world. God has taught me more about selfless love, grace, the redemption of Christ, and the sanctity of human life through a little girl who never spoke a word or took a breath than anything else in this world. Lily changed my entire life, my heart, and my future. Her life is sacred because she was created by God and He has given her life great purpose! No striving on my part to get others to recognize her value will make her any more valuable. Simply by existing, she matters. And I can rest in knowing her value doesn't change depending on what others think of her. My love is no less real even if people don't understand.

It was a gift the Lord gave me when He opened up my heart to love her as much as I do. And because of how much I love her, I miss her with that same great measure. The grief, in turn, is also a gift, for even that points to the sanctity of her life and each life, no matter how brief!

I pray Lily's life is a reminder to us all that nothing we do or have makes us valuable. The car we drive, the house we live in, the job we have, all these things are temporal. Our value comes in being children of God. Each of us has been valuable from the moment of our conception and nothing in this world can add to or take away from that intrinsic value.



  1. This post has impacted me more than anything else I have ever read about a mother's love for her child born still. I felt the Spirit in this post. Oh, Hannah! I am so at peace after years of lonely grief! God gave me peace a few months ago! God is so merciful & good to us, even at our darkest times! I am so blessed to have a faithful friend as you! Give God the glory!

  2. Yes. Love this.

  3. I understand, because even when your baby is still inside, there's an intense yearning and desire to hold her, to snuggle her, to feed her, to take care of her. The nine months of pregnancy are often hard just because you want that baby so badly. I know how devastated I was when our son died in utero and I could only hold him after he was stillborn. A mother's love and a child's value are both beyond words.

  4. Beautifully written, Hannah.

  5. So beautiful. I agree, every life no matter how brief is precuous, and important. Especially our Angels :)

  6. The true mother/child bond begins at conception....the spirit/soul of the mother is already connecting to the spirit/soul of the child - these are not concrete things but things of the heart <3The journey of life in the womb is no less valuable than life outside the womb, based on location <3

  7. Beautifully said Hannah.

  8. something i have begun doing is give Mother's day cards to pregnant mommies....they are already mothers in their heart and their changing body's are evidence of that - their baby is sheltered at the core of their physical body - the safe chamber of the womb - but they are mommies no less <3

  9. Love this, Hannah!!! Complete truth! <3

  10. Amen, Hannah! Thanks for sharing!
