Monday, April 20, 2015

Exactly as It Was Always Meant to Be

I saw this photo on Facebook...

Isn't it so beautiful? It made me wish that Lily and I could take a photo like that together. Because I had an abortion scheduled and didn't go through with it and now Lily would be the face of what choosing life looks like, just like this young woman.

I chose life, just like this mother, but my little girl died... even still, she is no less real or important. And even though she cannot stand beside me in a picture, her brief life is a testament to how every life is precious and valuable, including the unborn who never take a single breath.

Even though Lily is not here to be the face of the unborn, her legacy is a face of sorts and speaks boldly and clearly. Our story is exactly as it was always meant to be and I will go on sharing it with whoever will listen.



  1. Reminds me of a quote I think is by Max Lucado: "No one is useless to God. No one."
