Thursday, June 18, 2015

Marks of Motherhood

I inwardly (and sometimes outwardly) grumble and complain about how my body changed after carrying Lily. I was once a fit and toned athlete. Then came Lily. Much of the time, I don't like how my body changed. I have the body of a mother whose carried a 7 pound 9 ounce 21 inch child to term, but no child here to show as the fruit of those months of nurturing and protection.

I'm trying to look at the changes to my body through different lenses. This body carried her all of her life. This body was my beautiful girl's only home before her Eternal Home. And it was her budding life that caused my widened hips and stretch marks. It was wonderful Lily, so how could I be upset about the changes? They silently speak that she was here. She was real. Each mark is a remembrance of my obedience to the Lord, in choosing life for my unborn child and not allowing shallow or fleeting concerns to govern choices that not only would impact me forever, but also the life of an innocent child.

Even how my body has changed from pregnancy is a reminder not to be overly concerned about things that are actually quite insignificant. I changed and grew so much (no pun intended) through the entire experience of my unplanned pregnancy and losing Lily. Embracing her life was a sacrifice of love.

I want the culture to recognize that a postpartum body is beautiful because WOW, women carry babies made in the image of God! The marks that come from such an awe-inspiring gift from above are nothing to be ashamed of. I want other young women faced with an unplanned pregnancy to realize that yes, their body might change, but it is not something to run and hide from, but rather a mark of life, honor, beauty, and sacrifice. The mark of motherhood. And our babies are worth every mark, every pound and inch gained, every change to our bodies and lives... no matter what happens. ❤️

my picture submission for The Sacred Project



  1. This is really beautiful...

  2. Amen to that! Love and miss you Hannah Rose!!!

  3. You never cease to touch my heart

  4. Thank you for this Hannah. The last 4 months have had moments like that for me after my miscarriage. It's amazing that a tiny little person, barely 10 weeks big, changed me quite a bit! Thank you for reminding me of the sacred duty God gave my body in that time.

  5. beautiful words Hannah.

  6. Beautifully written 👌🏻 xx

  7. Beautiful, sweet friend. Keep sharing your heart and words of truth. <3

  8. Thank you for sharing this with me! The Lord bless you; you have a beautiful testimony.
