Thursday, February 2, 2017

An Encouragement to Keep Sharing

Emails like this one from a newly bereaved mother are a reminder as to why I openly share my mother heart, and a reminder that there are way more positives than negatives in doing so:
"It is heartwarming and encouraging to read your blog. I'm sure you are touching the lives of many people in positive ways. I happen to be one of those individuals.... I just wanted you to know I came across your blog. I've been reading it for a few weeks now. It's the only resource I've found so far, by someone who really understands, that is still current; evidence that life does move forward and can be positive, happy again. THANK YOU! You are truly a blessing from God...." ❤️  #LilysLegacy


  1. This is true, Hannah!
    I thank you for taking the time to help me to process.
    Your blog slows me down in our busy life and helps me to focus on my grief that is always throbbing in my heart. It needs attention and tending to so that I can be healthy.
    That is how your blog helps me.
    PLUS, sometimes I actually get to talk with you. tee hee
    love ya!

    1. Love you!!!!
      As you saw from my writing a blog post based on this comment, these words mean so much to me!!
      It makes me happy when we actually get to talk too. ;)
