Why do we have such little faith in the God that created the entire universe? The God that raised men from the dead, made the blind see, and saved the world from an eternity spent without the Lover of our souls...Sure, we believe that He can do big things, but we never actually think that He will do anything big in our everyday, normal lives. I mean, after all, the God of all the Heavens and earth has better stuff to do than fret over us, right? As Leslie Ludy put it in her most recent online magazine article, 'Wrestling Prayer,' for November/December 2009,
"Why is it we can believe the Bible and believe God can do anything He wants, but we for some reason become sheepish and hesitant whenever the idea of God doing something huge is applied to our personal situations or circumstances?"
It is so easy to become extremely discouraged in a world filled with such pain, heartbreak, and discouragment. A world without Jesus is a sad, scary, lonely place. This past week, my heart has been heavy, and the weight of the world has been resting on my shoulders. My heart and soul have been experiencing such deep grief and despair. I have been reminded of some of my deepest hurts, doubts, and sadnesses. I was almost to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. It's so easy to feel so alone and like nobody understands my heart. Why do people treat each other so poorly? Why are people so heartless, so mean, so insensitive? How can mothers abort their own children? How is it so easy for people to give up friendships and relationships as if they never were? Why are people so wrapped up in their own selfishness that they overlook the pain they cause others? Why are people so afraid of Jesus? Are they afraid of Him, or are they afraid of giving up their own pursuits in order to live for Him? Why do people so utterly detest the Lover of my soul, Jesus? Why can't I save these young girls in my life from a life that will only bring them heartache? I want to tell them so badly, "I have been down this road and you don't want to face the consequences!" But, what can mere words do if their heart isn't ready to listen? Perhaps that's how my sweet Jesus feels about me...and about all of us. He doesn't want to take away these fleeting pleasures because He is a mean God and wants to keep us from having fun..it's because He wants to protect us from the hurt He knows is to come from our poor decisions. These are just some of the questions and sadnesses I have been carrying around in my heart. For so long, I keep them locked up inside me. But, the tears have come to the surface and I can't hold it in any longer.
My sweet Jesus has been tugging at my heart, asking me to trust Him more. He is reminding me what a BIG God He is! Yes, this world is a sad place to live. We were never meant to live in such a broken place. That's the result of what our sin does. We have free will and because of our sinful natures, heartbreak is sure to ensue. This world wants us to believe that we shouldn't have such big expectations of God because we will only be left dissapointed. We are supposed to believe that He doesn't care about being involved in our lives. He's just sitting back in a Lazy-Boy recliner, watching us all make a mess of our lonely lives.
These things are simply not true! A couple months ago, I read Leslie Ludy's book, Set-Apart Femininity (which I highly recommend!). She discusses how God wants us to have big faith in all He will do in our lives. He desires to showcase His supernatural strength and power through us. He is ready to show us His complete faithfulness to fulfill His promises.
Jeremiah 29:13 says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Perhaps what we are lacking is truly laying everything down and SEEKING Him. Are we giving everything else up in order to know Him more? Philippians 3:8 says, "What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ." Do we even believe that our prayers can and will be answered?! Martin Luther said, “No one can believe how powerful prayer is and what it can effect, except those who have learned it by experience. Whenever I have prayed earnestly, I have been heard and have obtained more than I prayed for. God sometimes delays, but He always comes."
After reading Leslie's book, a seed was planted in my soul. Am I willing to trust the Lord and lay everything down to know His heart more? Then, today, I came across her latest blog and magazine article, both further pressing this challenge on my life. The Lord wants me to trust that He will provide for anything and everything I could possibly need. He is asking me to trust that He will work miracles, both big and small, in my very normal life. But, first He is asking me to lay everything at His feet. He wants me to get out of my comfort zone and learn to lean on Him more.
After reading the online magazine article, I realize that I need to only fill my heart, soul, and mind with things that are going to strengthen my faith and build it up, rather than bring doubts and fears into my heart and life. I need to read about and listen to testimonies that glorify the faithfulness of God and disregard all messages that speak anything else. There is a process of getting rid of any negative in my life and only bringing in the positive. Philippians 4:8 instructs, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
The Lord is also showing me that he wants me to get specific in my prayers and to pray without ceasing. He wants me to ask for specific things and wait patiently for His answer. It is sure to come! I am going to keep a prayer journal with even the smallest prayers in it, so when I look back in months or even years, I will be amazed at the faithfulness of a God who loves me very, very much. The Lord wants us to trust, without a doubt, that He is going to come through for us and never let us down! Psalm 62 says, “In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge is in God. Trust in him at all times; you people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.”
The Lord is also showing me that he wants me to get specific in my prayers and to pray without ceasing. He wants me to ask for specific things and wait patiently for His answer. It is sure to come! I am going to keep a prayer journal with even the smallest prayers in it, so when I look back in months or even years, I will be amazed at the faithfulness of a God who loves me very, very much. The Lord wants us to trust, without a doubt, that He is going to come through for us and never let us down! Psalm 62 says, “In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge is in God. Trust in him at all times; you people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.”
Leslie wraps up her blog stating, "Whether the crisis is a swarm of bees, an attack of fear, struggles with sin, or any other problem, we have a strong, ready Rescuer, just waiting to deliver us when we call upon His name. Let us never cease to have the confidence and faith of a little child – and believe that our God is ready and able to save."
Now, the title of my blog. Ironically, after reading these blogs today, I rented the movie, Faith Like Potatoes, (great movie, by the way! And based on a true story) which goes along with this very message. A farmer in South Africa is affected and used by God in a big way. Through numerous trials and tribulations, God never ceases to come through for him. We should all have faith like potatoes, so to speak. When potatoes are growing, you can't see them, but they are still there. And they are very real. That's what our faith in God should be. The potatoes in the movie show God's faithfulness. And I believe God wants to show all of us His faithfulness. So, let's all start trusting and believing that He will do what he says He will and always remain faithful to His beloved.

I am glad to see God using you in a relevant way and that the intentions of your heart are in the Truth. I want ask you to forgive me for being a poor sister in Christ for you, it has been heavy on my heart. God bless you Hannah Rose, and your Lily.