I have seen the Depraved Indifference video by Ellerslie Mission Society several
times, but last Sunday, God began stirring my heart and opening my eyes afresh. I have
always felt like it would be “more spiritual” to travel to another country as a
missionary to rescue orphans and widows. I wondered why I didn’t feel called to
that and if there is something wrong with that. Last Sunday, when I was in Colorado, the His Little Feet kiddos were at
Ellerslie Church. They did a special performance for us and the tears were just
streaming down my face. We watched Depraved Indifference and God whispered
something to my heart...It doesn’t matter whether something
seems “more spiritual,” what matters is living in obedience unto Him. And I
know that He is not calling me (right now at least) overseas. He is asking me
to rescue for His name and glory in the United States, in my own backyard. The unborn being aborted are orphans. They are weak and they are vulnerable, and so very precious in His sight.
definition of orphan:
- [noun] someone or something who lacks support or care or supervision
- [adjective] deprived of parents by death or desertion
These unborn children are deserted by their mothers and fathers, the ones on earth who should love them and protect them above anyone else. They have no support or care from their parents. They are seen as a "problem" that needs to be taken care of.
"Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you." -Isaiah 49:15
Our earthly parents may forget us. These babies are not cared for and protected by their earthly parents, yet they are adored by their Heavenly Father! And how does He rescue them? Through us. We are His hands and feet.
"God says, you call yourself my body. I'm not there except through you. Your hands, those are my hands. Your feet, those are my feet. That heart, that's my heart. If it's not beating, my heart's not beating on this earth anymore. I work through my body. I'm a father to the fatherless through my body! I rescue the weak and the vulnerable through you! And if you're not doing it, no one is!" -Eric Ludy
God doesn't see the massive number of children that are aborted each year, but each individual life. He sees the purposes He has for that life. Do we?
There is a cast system in Heaven. Jesus came to earth and
proved it by taking the lowest spot, He was born a baby, yet He was GOD! A baby…does
this not show His heart for the unborn?
“The special ones in God’s Kingdom are the weak ones. The
ones that can’t fight for themselves, the ones that can’t speak for themselves…the
ones that don’t have someone to protect them. And Jesus says, ‘those are the
prized ones. Treat them as the royalty here on earth. The way you treat them is ultimately the way you're treating me.' What you do unto the least of these is how your ultimately treating your God.” –Eric Ludy
"In as much as you have done unto the least of these you have done it unto me." -Matthew 25:45
An unborn baby in the womb is definitely the least among us. These precious lives literally cannot speak for themselves. There is a silent holocaust happening right down the road from us...and what are we doing about it? We suffer from depraved indifference. It may move us at some level, but does our heart bleed for these precious ones? We go home and can laugh and act as if all is well in the world. Yet, innocent babies are being ruthlessly slaughtered in our very neighborhoods! Are we willing to spend ourselves for the weak?
Jesus Christ is the only solution for us and for these unborn babies. Ask Him where He is leading you, who He is leading you to
rescue. May we no longer sit by idly, but spend ourselves in order to rescue the least of these! Who will be a champion fighting for their cause? Will you? May we be moved beyond mere human compassion to action...for our King and His glory!
"He is longing for an advocate to stand up and say, 'I'm willing, God, to fight for what is Yours! I'm willing, God. Burden me!" -Eric Ludy
"...it is not the will of your Father who is in Heaven that one of these little ones should perish." -Matthew 18:14
(Please take the time to watch this video, with the unborn in mind.)

Beautiful post Hanna! I love your passion for the unborn, it is contagious. I love when you said, "God doesn't see the massive number of children that are aborted each year. He sees each individual life. He sees the purposes He has for that life. Do we?" I hope you will link up tomorrow. I know others need to read this! I am so blessed by your life and testimony.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your love for these children. Beautifully written.
ReplyDeleteI love this. :)
ReplyDeleteWell done.
I am visiting from Tesha's link up!
ReplyDeleteI love this post, very well said!
Hello Hannah Rose...beautiful name! I am Nicki and I found your blog on Tesha's link-up. I haven't had a chance to read a ton about your story but from what I'm seeing yours is one of the INCREDIBLE redemption of Jesus. Amazing! I can't wait to read more. I am mommy to a sweet girl that dances in heaven with your 2 babies, I believe if I'm reading correctly. Her name is Ellersley Grace and she was born at 29 weeks and 1 day. I just wanted to say hi and I look forward to reading so much more about you and your sweet ones...
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed day!
Elle's Mommy
I found this post through Pencilled Daydream's linkup. I love your heart - that I can so see Jesus through you! Your post so resonates with me because the Lord has recently given me a passion for little girls in India who are often killed simply because they are born girls (if they haven't already been aborted first). But through a partnership between my ministry and a ministry in India, we are working together to save these little girls. I've been blogging about that journey here: http://therainbowcollector.wordpress.com/india/.