I got some beautiful photographs from Lisa's Hawaiian Names. She wrote Lily's and Luke's names in the sand in Hawaii and also wrote "Rose and Her Lily," which I have wanted written in the sand for a long time. :-) I love all these photos and really recommend Lisa's services...she's so sweet and wants to make you happy, writes beautifully, and takes gorgeous photos.
This one was taken at Kaneohe Marine Corps Base in Oahu, Hawaii, obviously at daytime. Look at the pretty props Lisa uses in the photos!
And the rest of the photos were taken at sunset on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii.
Lisa even made a lovely collage for me. :-)
Be sure to "like" Lisa's facebook page to find out when her next visit to Hawaii will be. She writes the names of couples, babies, those in the military, and basically anyone or anything else you can think of! Thank you so much, Lisa! :-)

Beautiful! :)