However, I came to a point of realizing I can't do everything every year. There is a season for everything and right now I am in a season of needing to simplify and re-prioritize. It is okay to say "no" to things and not to feel obligated to do everything, even if I wish I could do it. I have also not been doing well physically lately, so just need to rest more.
I did just go to the march last year, so it's okay I can't make it this year. Maybe I will aim to go every other year. I'd rather not attempt to do everything and give my all to each thing I do rather than try to do everything and only have strength and energy to give a small part of myself.
I was able to make it to the Raleigh Rally and March for Life this past weekend, so that made me feel good that I could at least do that. There was a big snowstorm that just went through D.C. yesterday, so I'm not sure my mom and I could have made it anyways (that was the day we planned on driving up). God knows what He's doing and I felt Him asking me to let go of this dream... at least for this year.
I am praying for everyone marching in D.C. and across the country at many different marches during the anniversary week of Roe v. Wade. Abortion was legalized in America 41 years ago today. Think of all the lives we will never know on Earth because of abortion... including my Luke Shiloh.
It is for babies like my Luke and Lily and for mamas like me who must live with a past abortion for life that I speak... that I march... that I write.
May we fight for and live to see an end to abortion in America and the world!!

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