Lily was born the day before St. Patrick's Day, so I will always associate that holiday with her. However, the first "big" holiday after she was born was Easter. It will also always make me think of that first Easter without her and how much I longed for my sweet newborn baby girl. I wrote this blog post that year.
Easter makes me think of my little daughter and how if she were here, I would prepare Easter baskets and take her on Easter egg hunts. We would be making memories for her to carry with her always, like the memories I have tucked away safely in my heart from my own childhood.
But even more than Easter baskets and egg hunts, I would be teaching her about what Easter really, truly means. I would teach her about Jesus and his death and resurrection... how He gave Himself freely so that we might have LIFE eternally. That is what Easter is really all about, not chocolate covered bunnies.
Easter is a time of glorious celebration. HE IS RISEN! And because He lives, I have the hope, faith, peace, and assurance that this is not the end. The grave is not the end. I will see my girl again. Jesus conquered sin and death - He is victorious!!
I see now how the hand of God chose for Lily to be born right before Easter, right before the spring season. Spring and Easter point towards redemption, hope, resurrection, and Eternity with Him. What God did in my life because of hers points towards that same glorious hope and redemption. It's like He was speaking through her birth at this time of year that this is not the end! All because of Jesus' sacrifice!
I decided at the last minute last week that I wanted to get some decorations for Lily's spot for Easter. I went to Michaels and was able to find a few things for 40% off. What I found is super cute, but since I didn't have much time to look, I wasn't able to find anything with Easter lilies and the Cross. Next year, I would like to find that.
Anyways, I mailed these things to my grandmother to decorate Lily's spot for me.
She took down the remainder of the birthday decorations and put the Easter decor up. I instructed her with how I wanted it done (I am very particular when it comes to Lily's spot). My grandmother is kind and patient with me. :) She took these lovely photos for me too. She is getting really good at this technology stuff. Thanks for decorating Lily's spot for me since I cannot do it myself, Bumma!
It looks like the grass is finally starting to grow in! We placed Lily's stone in November, so have only seen it with al the dirt around it.
My brother, Joseph, and his wife, Kala, came to visit for Easter weekend. This is the three of us after church on Easter. :) My family went out for lunch after church, which was really special.
This hymn has been stuck in my head the last few days. I was delighted when we sang it at church on Easter Sunday: "Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow."

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