There are many people who wait until after the first trimester at least to make a pregnancy announcement because of the possibility of an early miscarriage, which is understandable. However, my thinking on this differs from these people. Let me explain...
I know that the odds of losing a baby decreases the further into the pregnancy one reaches, however when you have lost a baby literally AT their due date, you come to understand that there is no "safe zone."
Not only that, but even if I were to lose another baby, I'd want the support of others if it did happen. I wouldn't want to face the pain and loss alone.
Also, I believe every life deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated, no matter how short or long they are.
I hear of people who wait to announce they are having a baby until after the baby is born, and some wait to learn the gender until birth. I understand this can be an exciting surprise, but the way I see it, which has obviously been shaped by my full-term loss, I want others to know about and love my baby for as long as I have them here. I don't want this to seem like a morbid way of thinking, it's simply reality. I want to know my baby by his/her gender and name. I want to bond with my child as much as I possibly can because each day is a gift and tomorrow is not guaranteed. Lily taught me that. Lily taught me how to treasure her future siblings in a fuller way.
I want to make memories during my pregnancy, and gather keepsakes that document that sacred time in my life... getting a belly cast, professional maternity photos, etc. Not that I didn't make memories with Lily, but if I knew then that it'd be the only time I'd have with her, I would have been intentional about doing much more.
I'm thankful for the 40 weeks and 2 days I did have with her and that I bonded with my baby girl named Lily Katherine for the time I could. My heart truly connected with her for who she was, as a unique soul created by God, not for anything she'd ever do or accomplish, which doesn't make someone who they are anyways. 💕

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