Please pray that everyone going to the March will have safe travels, pray for good weather (it is supposed to snow tomorrow in D.C.), and pray for good health. Pray that the people there will be peaceful and that those who need to hear the message of LIFE will have open hearts. Pray that those who have had an abortion and need healing will begin their road towards hope and healing by turning to Jesus. Pray that all the details will be worked out and that God's will shall be done in every heart and circumstance! And please pray that He would prepare me to speak in front of the Supreme Court after the March. I will be sharing sometime between 2:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. If you think to pray during that time, for me and all the other men and women, that would be amazing. I am getting a little bit nervous, but I know God will give me the courage to speak.

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