I didn't have anything "big" planned, but was just thankful to be there at her spot. Sometimes simple is perfectly sweet. A few family members and a couple friends gathered in the evening at Lily's spot. I was a bit nervous about the weather forecast, as it was showing possible thunderstorms. The minute we pulled into the cemetery, it started raining. Right in front of us, painted across the sky, was a gorgeous rainbow! The Lord sent it for us! :)
Thankfully, it soon stopped raining and we were able to gather around Lily's spot. I shared about her stone, the decorations, and something I wrote and read aloud last year about the significance of the day.
I decorated Lily's spot in all-things-butterfly... a balloon, wind-chime, flag, her name in the sand photo in a butterfly frame, a pinwheel, and flowers. I wanted her spot looking its best. :) Butterflies for Lily's life and the new life she brought me.
I was thankful the Lord held off the rain/storm long enough for us to visit for a bit and for me to share. We then had red-velvet cake ice-cream! The storm was coming in quickly by this point, the thunder was booming, and the sky was a dark gray color, so we packed things up, I divvied up the ice-cream in the bowls, and we ate in our cars as the rain fell. We all agree that the ice-cream was delicious! It was a perfect summer treat. 🍦 I had googled to see if red-velvet ice-cream was even a thing. It said online that it was in one of the bigger stores in the area, but on that day, I couldn't find it there. I had mentioned that I was going to get the ice-cream in front of my uncle and he "happened" to see it on sale at the small local grocery store in town. I went there and couldn't find it anywhere. I asked about it and they said they remembered seeing it, but didn't know if they had any left because it was a seasonal flavor... well, what do ya know, there was one left in the back, just waiting for me! I definitely want to have it again. Of course, those who have been following my blog for a while know that red-velvet is a "Lily thing." We had red-velvet cake at my Valentine's baby shower for Lily, so now it's tradition to have something red-velvet each year on her birthday and other special occasions. I love that it makes others think of her too. :)
After we enjoyed our ice-cream in our cars, we went over to Mint Springs (one of my favorite places) and enjoyed the breezes, mountain views, and pleasant conversation. The rain let up by that point too. I was glad I could share Lily's stone for the first time and Mint Springs with my friend Cambry who I met in Colorado at Ellerslie last Fall. When we met, we were excited to discover she lives near my hometown across the country! When I make it up to Virginia, we enjoy our visits. While in Colorado, I called her "my Virginia friend." :)
Here are a couple group photos we were able to get before the storm
(those who came were: my Aunt Sarah, brother Adam, friends
Cambry and Elise, Uncle Steve, and grandmother "Bumma")
The evening didn't turn out quite like expected, but it was certainly an adventure to remember! I am learning through many circumstances (big and small) lately to be more flexible and to trust the Lord in all things. It's not the end of the world if things don't go as *I* plan.

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