CAPTURE YOUR GRIEF 2012 Photography Project
for October-Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
Day 30. Your Grief - Tell the World: What do you want the world to know about this road you are traveling? Do you just want your baby’s name to be spoken? Do you want others to know they are not alone? Whatever it is, write it down on a piece of paper and hold it up for the world to see! (We will be making a video clip of these images from this particular day!)
There are so many things I could say many things in my heart that I long to express. I have shared so much throughout this project that I guess I will just tie it up with these words...
-To see all of my photos from the photography project, click here.
-To share your own photos on the event page and to see the lovely photos others are sharing, click here.

Beautiful my friend, Lily has a lasting legacy!