CAPTURE YOUR GRIEF 2012 Photography Project
for October-Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
Day 19: Project
October 19, 2012 ♥
Day 19. Project: Have you worked on any projects inspired by your loss? They could be anything from an art project to organizing memory boxes for a hospital. If you have not yet done a project you could share something that you would like to work on.
Lily has inspired so many beautiful things in my life. The first thing I thought of when seeing the prompt for today was the hospital comfort boxes my mom and I are working on in honor of Lily, to donate to the hospital where she was born. The photo for today shows the little boy and little girl boxes. It is our desire to bring families hope, encouragement, and support when they receive the shocking news that they will not be taking their babies home with them from the hospital. The boxes provide the information to help unprepared families make the important decisions in the first hours after their loss, choices that later will not be regretted. We also provide the families with gifts to remember their little ones gone too soon.
Another "project" that was started in honor of and because of my daughter is my photography, All Things Lovely Photography. I have always loved pictures and spend hours looking through photos from my childhood and scrapbooking precious memories. Since losing Lily, I've realized just how important capturing these precious moments in life are. I am filled with much regret when I think about the fact that I don't have any high quality images of her precious hands and feet and tiny, perfect body. The photos I do have are very low-quality and will never be enough. I will never have those moments with Lily back. From now on, it is my desire to capture each of life's precious moments on camera. To be able to look back and remember who I was, what life was like, and almost be able to relive that moment in time. I also want to help others do the same at an affordable rate. I want to capture "all things lovely" in life.
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." ~Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." ~Philippians 4:8
My photography and also writing have been such wonderful and healing creative outlets for me. I guess I consider this blog of mine a sort of project. As well as the scrapbooks I made (am still making) Lily. I have one for my pregnancy and one for photos at the hospital/Lily's Celebration of LIFE Service, and other things like that. There are lots of other things created in honor of Lily, such as her beach prayer flag sent to Australia.
Lily is my ultimate inspiration. So much beauty, love, joy has flown out of her precious LIFE. Thank You Jesus for all You've done through her and because of her and all You will continue to do.
-To see all of my photos from the photography project, click here.
-To share your own photos on the event page and to see the lovely photos others are sharing, click here.

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