Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Lily Kat

My sweet friend Amanda texted me this morning with the photo below and wrote: "G and I were watching cartoons this morning. We were watching "Franklin and Friends." Franklin's little sister's favorite stuffed animal was a kitty named Lily. They called her Lily Cat. It was a cute episode and that kitty's name made me think of your love for cats and then the name Lily. 🐱👧 That's Lily Cat winning the race in Franklin's race car. 😊"

I thought that was so sweet she thought of me... My Lily and kitties are two of my greatest loves in life. And it's even more special that Lily Kat is one of my Lily's nicknames! (Kat for Katherine). ❤️



  1. That is beyond PRECIOUS!
    God cares so much for us to send hugs like that!

    1. Yes, He sure does!! He speaks our language and is involved in the biggest decisions and smallest details of our lives. 😊

      I forgot to add that the cat was called "Lily Cat" in the show.


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